
    Andean, artist, animist.

The disenchanted body seems to function as a work machine destined for inertia. On the other hand, the magical body awakens. This body is revealed. And this body rebels.

The interest of my proposal is based on ritual art, which I understand as the poetry of bodies. From this concept I seek to relate the memories, contents and actions of these bodies, human and non-human, to activate part of that information held in their depths, information that I consider is capable of leading us to that state of revelation. In the development of my proposal I apply concepts and meanings about the meaning of life and how the world is observed and experienced from the Andes.

I built my artistic path using divergent tools and mediums, ranging from embroidery to sculpture to community engagement to museology. The path is split into collective creative processes and individual artistic production. As for the collective, I have been part of various artistic experiences and projects related to art, community and public space. In my artistic processes with communities, I have been part of exhibitions such as "Organizing, fighting and conquering: social memory of the Iñaquito market" (2020), a volunteer artist in the project "Women embroidering in San Roque" (2017-2018), and a director co-leading the conceptualization and execution of the exhibition "Living Archive of Social Struggles" (2020). As a member of the art collective Tranvía Cero (2009-2012) I was invited to participate in the Cuenca Art Biennial 2009 (Cuenca, Ecuador), MDE-11 / Teach and learn-places of knowledge in art (Medellín, Colombia) and the Eleventh Havana Biennial 2012 (Cuba).

With my personal artistic projects I have participated in different exhibitions and events both in Ecuador and internationally, including the virtual exhibition KawsayPacha Harawi (2021), Encuentros Parejos (Ecuador, 2016); Uku Pacha-visual sound intervention (Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Ecuador, 2014); NoNominar (Quina Galeria, Brazil, 2012); Minimum Residences (El Panal, Art Residence, Ecuador, 2012); Arte Mujeres Ecuador (Museum of Graphic Arts, Ecuador, 2012); Arte en el Trolle (Trolleybus Integrated Transportation System, Ecuador, 2011); Zonadearteenacción (Spanish Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010); ArteAcción en la Plaza (Ecuador, 2007), and the First University Biennial of Art UTE (Ecuador, 2004).

I have also worked on personal entrepreneurship projects such as La Caprichosa Tienda, a store in the La Floresta neighborhood of Quito that showcased local artists and producers. Beyond these projects, I have managed multiple museum and exhibition installations, and cultural production, design and collaborative construction projects.

I obtained a Postgraduate Degree in Community Cultural Management from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) Argentina, and a Higher Diploma in Art Studies and a Bachelor's Degree in Plastic Arts from the Central University of Ecuador.